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Plant Cell Rep ; 19(1): 26-31, 1999 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30754754


Direct somatic embryogenesis was induced in leaf cells of a Cichorium hybrid (Cichorium intybus L var. sativum×Cichorium endivia L. var. latifolia) through a two-step procedure. Leaf tissue explants were cultured for 5 days in M17 liquid medium supplemented with 30 mM sucrose and 330 mM glycerol (M17S30Gly330 medium). Synchronised divisions of embryogenic cells occurred after transfer for 7 days onto glycerol free-medium (M17S30). By doubling the sucrose concentration (60 mM) in the presence of glycerol (M17S60Gly330) during the induction step, embryogenesis increased and the length of the induction step was reduced from 5 to 4 days. Compared to sucrose, glycerol as carbon source during the induction and the expression steps had an inhibitory effect on the embryogenic response. During culture, glycerol was not detected in M17S60 medium and was at a low level in leaf fragments incubated in this medium. Initially supplied as an osmoticum, glycerol disappeared from M17S60Gly330 medium during the 4-day induction period and penetrated into the tissues where most of was metabolised. Furthermore, glycerol modified it carbohydrate metabolism, particularly during the induction period of embryogenesis. Sucrose hydrolysis was affected in the medium and sucrose and hexose contents in tissues were higher than in glycerol-free medium. The effects of glycerol as osmoticum and as a molecule itself are discussed.
